Virtual Groups
You are not alone. But it sure can feel like it. Group settings offer a unique way to find connection and support while working through food, body, and health issues.
We typically offer series of group sessions. We limit participants to 6 (plus Annika or Negin) so that we can avoid breakout rooms and all build relationship and learning together.
Group series meet weekly for 6-8 weeks. Sessions are 75 minutes.
Prior to the start of group we like to meet with you one on one for an initial appointment to set you (and the group) up for success!

6-week Intuitive Eating Foundations for Teens
Tuesdays, February 2nd - March 9th
6:00 - 7:15pm
Limited to 6 participants
Saturdays, February 20th - March 27th
11:15am - 12:30pm
Limited to 6 participants
During this 6-week group we will explore foundations of intuitive eating. We won't dive into each of the 10 Intuitive Eating principles, but instead we will aim to prepare solid ground in the path towards making peace with food.
In our time together, we will identify diet culture and develop the skills to challenge its pervasive narrative. We will tune into our internal patterns as a guide for eating. And finally, we will aim for satisfaction as we explore the ins and outs, pros and cons of intuitive eating.
This group is perfect for:
teens 14-18 years old and still attending high school-level education (if you are outside this age group please reach out, we have lots of plans for future groups)
those wanting to improve their relationship with food and body image
those that have experienced the negative impacts of dieting, restrictive eating, or diet culture
We will be using the Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens as our guide, though purchasing this workbook is not essential for participation.
Some insurances accepted. Contact us today!
8-week Diabetes Empowerment Group
Wednesday's Group
Wednesdays, February 10th - March 31st
6:00 - 7:15pm
Limited to 6 participants
During this 8-week group will work through a mindful eating program for those with pre-diabetes and diabetes. Using Eat What You Love and Love What You Eat With Diabetes as our guide, we will work towards eating with confidence and feeling empowered to navigate our health and diabetes. We will explore the fundamentals of awareness, curiosity, non-judgement, being present, letting go, and acceptance.
What you need:
an open mind
a kind attitude
Eat What You Love and Love What You Eat With Diabetes by Michelle May and Megrette Fletcher (this is not a must)
Some insurances accepted. Contact us today!